Species lists

From wetlands, grasslands to forests, the Park has diverse habitats to support an incredible biodiversity.

Fauna species list

Sydney Olympic Park provides habitat for over 250 native animal species. A quarter of all bird species found in Australia have been recorded at the Park, as well as many species of amphibians, frogs, reptiles, mammals and fish. This species list is based on fauna observations from 2000 to 2024.

Plant species list

Over 400 plant species have been recorded at Sydney Olympic Park.

Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest

Sydney Olympic Park supports 20 hectares of remnant and regenerating Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest. Thirteen hectares of this community occurs within Newington Nature Reserve, and the remainder adjoins the Reserve. This ecological community is classified as critically endangered by state and federal environmental legislation.

A total of 243 native plant species have been recorded within the forest community, and new species are continuing to be identified. This species list is based on the results of botanical surveys and incidental records.

Wetland plant species list

Sydney Olympic Park has extensive estuarine and freshwater wetlands, including the largest stands of mangroves and coastal saltmarsh remaining in the Parramatta River estuary. This species list is based on the results of botanical surveys, incidental records and planting records.